Mar 7, 2011

Random Notes

Just a few notes while waiting for the latest Bracketology projections....

1. I rarely follow orders from the Chinese....but I saw this sign on a bank entrance (!) - why, yes, I will obey that command!

2. Speaking of eating and cuising, I haven't blogged too much about food here in Southern China. I will say one thing......and it will offend at least one reader on this blog....

Dim Sum is highly overrated.

You take some low-quality pork sausage, steam (not fry) it, wrap it in some filo dough, steam it again until it is rubbery, and voila! There you go.
The steamed buns are ok, but not awesome; the rest of dim sum is just .....ehhhhh. Take it or leave it. I'd rather have a good Japanese Udon noodle dish over Dim Sum any day.

3. Jeff W - you can stop reading now!
So I got an invitation on Linked In today- out of the blue - from an old college classmate. It was the woman I had a major crush on. She was in my major, American (which is no small feat at Case), and pretty damn hot. We shared at least 1 class together almost every semester.

I distinctly remember asking her out once - and it went nowhere. I can't remember if it was during my sophomore year - when I was depresses most of the team - or the start of my junior year, when I got contacts and a 1000% increase in self confidence.

So after accepting her invitation to be "linked" on LinkedIn, when is the appropriate time to say: "Uh, hey, why the hell did you turn me down for that asshole on the track team?"


mer said...

I'm not offended, since I wouldn't expect you to like them. There are many that I quite enjoy. Of course I slather them with chili sauce and I really don't care for the buns you described, too much dough.
And to answer #5, never.

mer said...

not #5, meant question #3

Layup said...

#3. I can probably answer for her. "Well Eric, I picked the guy who worked out on the track team over someone who spent their day hanging Frank Minnifield posters while listening to Annie Lenox."