That's for Derek, who hates seeing "Verne Lundquist" on this blog.
Emptying my head tonight:
1) NIT winner: Don, with South Carolina's win in the semis. Final standings:
Don 6-11-3-2-1 = 72
Brad 6-12-4-2-0 = 62
Eric 6-14-3-1-0 = 54
Derek 5-9-5-1-0 = 51
Paul 4-10-2-0-0 = 32
2) Derek is now 38th in the big Dayton NCAA Pool - out of 850 people - but if UCLA wins, it looks like he will finish 4th. That could mean as much as $1000 for his $35 entry.
3) The worst invention, bar none, is the automated telephone operator that waits for your voice input. I like the operators that took the touch tone input, but now that they can recognize your voice, it's creepy and like talking to your mother.
I called UPS for a status on a package the other day. I called earlier to find out that the driver attempted to deliver, but couldn't becuase no one was home.
UPS Automated operator: "Please tell me the 10 digit tracking code"
Me: "8...5..9...."
UPS: "Please say delivery for delivery information, or pickup for pickup information"
Me: "Delivery"
UPS: "An attempted delivery was made on Tuesday at...."
Me:(mumbling) "Yeah, I f**n know this already
(long pause)
UPS: "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you correctly. Please repeat your command, or hang up to try again"
Did it really pick up the F word?
4) Why can't you be convicted if you earn your degree? I know plenty of college grads that are charged with misdemeanors. Is it just a woman thing?
5) On a related note, if the marching band refused to yield, just get the security guards to pull them off - or get the National Guard. That was right after Kent State, right? C'mon - get the football game going again - take out those band hippies.
6) And more music notes....I met a person during an in-house training class on Monday who works in the same business as me. His name? Gerardo. Yes, of course he had a last name.
It took a whole lot of self-restraint not to break out into a rap when he introduced himself.
If those guys from the Nextel commercial were around with their boombox, they would've hit "play" on the box after the introduction and I would have been dancing to "Rico....... Suave"
How do I get that mental picture out of my head when I'm in a meeting with him?
1 comment:
I'm sure someone will get the song references seen in #4 and #5.
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