Yes, this is me today. Walking around the office like the guy on the Doan's pills package.
The dogs were barking at 4 am this morning - I went downstairs to let them out, but somehow missed the last step. I went flying in the air and landed, back-first - on the edge of that last step. Oh my God, was it painful at 4 am. I think I was a motionless heap for about 10 minutes before I could move again.
And the pain is not that much better at 11 am.
Boy, you don't realize how much you use your back muscles until something bad happens. You can't put socks on standing up. It takes 5 minutes to get yourself into a car. Just getting up and out of your chair - or sitting back down - causes shoots of pain all over your body.
I'm supposed to play golf with Don tomorrow. The official NFL injury report lists me as "doubtful", and if I do play, I'll command Don to go pick up the ball out of the hole for me since I can't do it. Wonder how he'll like that?
To almost quote from paulie walnuts, "Oooh, my back, my freakin' back!"
I was just painting a door and pulled the whole thing on to the tip, just the tip, of my middle finger, and man it hurts. I think I have a low threshold for pain. I'd certainly hate to be the CIA if I was a top secret operative captured with plans, or the rebel forces on alderan for that matter, because I would not hold up well to torture.
Sorry to laugh at your misfortune. Did the dogs lick you while you were out cold?
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